Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Assault with a deadly...
"Yahoo News has a story of a Benihana chef who tossed a shrimp tail at a man, which caused the man to reflexively jerk his head away from the incoming projectile, resulting in a neck injury. The subsequent surgery for said neck injury failed, requiring a second surgery that ultimately lead to a fatal infection. So, in this litigious modern era, the man's family is naturally suing the Benihana chef for the untimely death."(From boingboing)
Posted by HypnoKitten at 12:45 PM

that makes me sick. what a fool. reading this blog made me smile, which induced wrinkles on my forehead, which were then mistaken by me for aging, causing me immeasurable pain and suffering, necessitating that i seek counsel.
Dear Dr. Charles,
I must say, I am completely sorry for any undue harm this posting may have caused you. I agree it was entirely my fault for posting it, and I will set in motion policies to keep this from happening to any other reader ever again. I apologize from the depths of my soul, and hope that your recovery is imminent.