Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Holiday Hospital ?
For some reason, the ICU is completely devoid of any Christmas cheer.Decorations are hung in all of the other units I've worked on in my orientations these past two weeks. Tinsel and lights. Post-partum has one of those Santas made of lights in a tube. The Hospital itself decorated and there are a few beautiful trees in the lobby and lights all around the building's rooftop. The three gift shops are practically bursting with Christmas gifts, decorations, and floral arrangements. Why does critical care have nothing? There are DNAR patients on other floors, so it isn't that we're not trying to remind the family that one of those major family holidays has come up. I don't get it.
I signed up to work Christmas Eve. I think I'll put some of my orientation time to work and actually go to one of these other units. The overtime will pretty much pay for the presents I've bought for my hubby and daughter. Christmas Day is a normal scheduled day for me. I'll work until 3:30 in the afternoon, rush home and shower and change, and try to make it out to my brother's house for dinner. I don't know how we'll do our little family Christmas. Maybe we'll open presents on Christmas Eve while we have time. Then Santa can fill stockings and there will be a little something on Christmas morning (that they can't mess with until I get home at 4pm!).
Santa's traveling light this year. I expect he'll have one small present for each of us, a book for my daughter and one for my husband, and maybe a can of Almond Roca for me. Santa's not giving expensive presents this year - I want the credit. :)
I'm going to get myself a new digital camera. My other one's not working properly and I can't trust it to always save the photo I take. I'd like a small one. I'm looking through the last minute ads today.
Posted by HypnoKitten at 10:59 AM