Thursday, May 26, 2005
New Nurseblogs Added
I'm busy studying this evening, but I took some time to add a few new nurseblogs to the links for you to look at.Out Loud
Abortion Clinic Days
Bruce’s Day to Day Life
Ringings From a Southern Belle
RN of Mental Health
Braised Lambchop
Chemical Shine
Cosmic Watercooler
Becoming a Nurse
I don't know if Abortion Clinic Days is written by nurses or not (it's a team blog) but it seems like it is. I may be able to find out more later.
Posted by HypnoKitten at 10:47 PM
may, at 9:59 AM
thanks a lot for the new blog list...i updated mine after surfing...
NurseWilliam, at 7:58 PM
Can I join your blog list? You checked my site out a month ago and menitoned forming a blogring. I'd like to participate.
my URL is
HypnoKitten, at 12:42 AM
William, you are on the nurseblog links. Grab a logo tag if you like them, and go update your blog, man! ;)