Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Call for Nominations: October NBOTM

Now, with HypnoKitten in the throes of buying and moving into her new home (everybody know what that's like? You do? Any questions? Didn't think so!) the Nurse Blog of the Month award has been on hiatus. This will not do! Therefore I'm taking the liberty of stepping in and calling for nominations for October.

In fact, it's the award for March, April, May, June, July, August, and September combined; a very prestigious honour!

Although we love Third Degree Nurse, we probably won't be putting a big permalink to her blog at the top of our site forever. It's somebody else's turn... feel free to nominate the blogger that inspires you, educates you, makes you laugh... it's also absolutely fine to self-nominate. The only restriction: their site must carry the NurseBlogs logo, and must contain recent posts.

Nominations in the comments section of this post please.

(Attempting to maintain a daily posting schedule, figured this was a good way to start ;)
Posted by PaedsRN at 3:02 PM

Blogger Tracy, at 10:45 AM  

try this one

Blogger HypnoKitten, at 10:46 PM  

I'm so glad you did this - the guilt was killing me!! :)

(We sign on Thurs and get the keys on Mon - and then the painting, hardwood floor refinish, kitchen remodel and moving begins. Ack!)

Blogger kimberly, at 4:58 AM  

How bout here?

Could I bribe you with something?........................................................................anything?.......................................................anything at all.....

Blogger Prisca:, at 8:24 AM  

Ok, I will shamelessly nominate myself--mostly cuz I need to feel some warm fuzzies from someone out there! ;)

Blogger Smalltown RN, at 8:38 AM  

how about OncRN....

I am new here but have read a lot of your post and other RN posts that you have listed as well...I will put the Nurse blog on mine....


Blogger Cathy, at 5:25 PM  

Well I am not a nurse but I know and care for many of them.

I also nominate "OncRN" and "KT"...Take your pick, they are both deserving!

Blogger PaedsRN, at 7:08 PM  

Kimberly: sure! All bribes gratefully accepted ;)

Actually I'll put up a poll in a little bit, so you'll just have to bribe everybody...

Blogger Marcia, at 5:12 AM  

Hey--I used the nurse blog logo on my site, and I left a comment on that post, but it doesn't seem to be there anymore.

I just wanted to be sure it was okay for anyone to use-my blog's not only about nursing, but pretty much anything that's on my mind.

Also, if you could link to me, that would be wonderful. I'd really like some other nurses' input on some of the stuff I've written.

Blogger Unknown, at 7:19 AM  

I guess I will nominate myself again.. Sigh... since no one else has so far.. Just kidding! Vote if you think the site is worthy!

Blogger The new Third Degree Nurse, at 5:44 PM  

Damn. I was enjoying seeing my name up there.

However, another good student nurse blog I'd nominate is:

Intelinurse to be:

and she's probably won it already, but Head Nurse is one of my favorites.

Blogger Unknown, at 1:02 PM  

I'm not shy! I'd like to nominate myself!

Blogger heidi, at 11:27 PM  

I'll nominate mine:

especially because i need more nurse readers. I'm tired of having to write out the abbreviations for those pesky non-medical readers ;-) AAA, people! Aneurysm! C'mon!

aw, im just kidding. i love you guys and your nurse blogs.

Blogger HypnoKitten, at 11:54 AM  

Marcia: It's up to you what you want to talk about on your blog - it doesn't have to always be work-related! If I had time to post more often you'd hear about how super my new puppy was doing in his training, how the house buying is coming along (we've evidently got about 5 families of hummingbirds on the property!), what a wonderful restaurant I went to the other night, neat bookends I picked up at a garage sale... and so on!



Blogger PaedsRN, at 9:07 PM  

Whoa, ok nominations are closed! And it's October already. Hopefully I can get the voting done before November sets in :)

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