Thursday, May 31, 2007
Alright, that's it!I'm going to start writing again.
I had a bit of a tough time finding time to blog as we bought the house, moved, tore out the kitchen, and remodeled, but now that's pretty much done (I say pretty much, because I still can't find my other black slingback mule... still some unpacked boxes in the basement!)
I'm still working at the Psych Hospital. I get along well with most of the people there, and have some good friends now. We have fun, and keep it interesting. We work well as a team, and you've got to have that when safety can be a concern. Work is always challenging and it's a new experience every day.
The full-time charge nurse position opened and I applied for it, but they hired someone from the outside. Up to this point I was only a fill-in charge nurse along with one other nurse and would rotate days. She has something like 25 years of nursing experience, but I'm not really seeing a difference from what was going on before. I made my own choice and decided that if I was going to wait around for a promotion I might be old and gray before it happened -SO- I started school again!!
I'm taking care of 15cr of prerequisites and hope to be able to start in the fall at The University. I say hope, because I'm applying pretty late. I expect to get in, but if that doesn't work I'll get in in Jan. I need 10cr of foreign language and I'm taking Spanish (yea!!) and I also needed Statistics, which I can take online (hmmm...). I'm super-duper-awesome-happy about going back to school even though the idea of now working full time and going to school in the evenings is a bit scary.
So what else is going on? My sister is coming from Florida to visit in September, and in August my family is going to Texas to meet my husband's family. I'll get to meet his mom and sisters finally after being with him for almost 7 years!
The house is improving a bit at a time, and we've made great strides in the yard, which was overgrown and hadn't been pruned back in at least 10 years. There are about 30 rhododendrons and tons of other trees, many I can't name. It was an amazing yard back in the day, but it sort of went wild and scrubby. Things look MUCH better - I'll probably post pics.
Anyway, I'm going to go barbecue some burgers now and take advantage of the beautiful weather. I'll write more soon about work and school and anything else I can think of that might be interesting.
Let me know if you're still reading....
Posted by HypnoKitten at 6:45 PM
How strange! I discovered your blog a month ago and added it to my blogroll. (New blogger, quite proud of myself for having a blogroll too!)I check back in for the first time today just in time for your new post. So yes, I am still reading.
Hello! I still check in over here. Glad to see you're back.
Hello, I am a junior Nursing student and I find this page to be very helpful. The education section most of all. I'm taking summer courses and am in need of review over some main concepts, i just wanted to say thank you because you have helped ease some of my stress in learning the info I need to know for my tests and boards for next summer. If you find anything for Psychiatric mental Health Nursing or Pharmacolgy, please let me know. Thanks!!!!!
hi there! i still visit your site regularly. i'm really glad that you're back. anyway, what course is it that you're going to study?
Glad to see you've returned!! Love the blog -- please keep writing! I am completing my prereq's for nursing school, and find your site smart and funny.
oh yah, still reading. woohoo for new posts!
i guess that was a good reminder to go back to school. :-)
Yep, still reading. Welcome back.
Still reading. Congrats on school!
I'm still reading! Glad you're still writing...I just discovered the world of nursing blogs...I'm a student nurse and have been blogging for a couple years (just started the nursing portion recently). I was THRILLED to find your site with so many great resources to keep me from freaking out over this new venture! :) Thanks!!
Bingo! It's about time you had a new post!!
Congrats on settling your home and going back to school!
Congrats on going back to school! I can't believe that I just finished myself and passed the National Certification for FNP yesterday! I'm so excited!
Of course we're still reading! : )
You can procrastinate, but you can't hide! : )
Faboulous nursing blog!
I´ve just discovered your fantantis page, and I promise I`ll try to visit it frecuently.
I read you´re learning spanish.
I´m from Spain, so if you need some advises to improve the language, just ask me!
Visit my nursing´s blogs!!
Enfermaría Galega Integral:
Enfermería Avanza:
Hi there gals!!
I come here and the links, they are SO helpful...I have been a Nurse (LVN) for 17 years, and after one full-time attempt to ladder up to an AS-RN, my father was suddenly diagnosied with Colon CA with mets to his liver...I quickly had to leave shcool to take care of my amazing dad, I had the utmost honor of helping him to transition out of this world...not a coincidence that I was a Hospice Nurse!
After that years ago, omg it has been 14 years already, and I am now having to work full-time so attending school is out of the picture...I am now taking a dfistance learning program for CA LVN's, now they had removed the AS-RN distance programs for us, and have replaced it with the BSN-RN. Guess it was meant to be. Amazing that the OLD distance programs would allow LVN's to do their needed online learning, and then take only THREE DAYS of clinicals!! YIKES, was that really good training?? Now I have 395 hours of them...which actually I am very happy about. I will emerge a better nurse, much more well-trained, better clinical skills, and many more hours of patient learning with my private preceptor. It was all meant to be just like this! (Just years later!)
So an old lady with Chronic Pain is now back in school...OY! ;-)
I write in my blog about my life in chronic pain, and also just my life...crazy as it is...some nursing stories, some just my writing, (which I love to do, and am writing my memoir)...Thanks for this blog and all the wonderful links you have to help us nurses out, no matter what stage we are in, I believe we are all always learning!!
Happy New Year nurses!! ;-)
Gentle hugs,
Shauna <3