Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Your Questions Answered (Again)

It's time for another round of search keywords from our Tracksy counter!

You asked: Decorated turkey cake?

Er... a cake made of turkey, or a cake in the shape of a turkey? I'm assuming you mean the latter. Well, let's see now. I don't recall ever posting about turkey, let alone a turkey cake. Maybe HK did?

A quick Google gobble later... yep! Actually in her second ever post to Mediblogopathy, HK posted about turkey cake. So there you are. No photos or recipes though.

You asked: What does ETOH mean?

Again with the ETOH? It's alcohol. Just plain common or garden alcohol. Sheesh.

You asked: What is the effect on patient care when nurses don't take their lunch breaks?

I'll tell you what the effect is. They get crabby. The nurses, that is. They get crabby and tired and frustrated and, well, hungry. Same with surgical residents. Actually that goes for anyone who doesn't get a few minutes to strap the feed bag on. I don't have references for you, but at the end of the day no matter how much you try not to let it affect your performance, it does. Not to be recommended.

You mentioned: I hate my job.

I'm terribly sorry to hear that. I love my job! I just am growing to dislike the little moonlighting position I'm in at the moment. 12 days to freedom!

You asked: Decorated turkey cake.

Cake made from decorated turkeys? Curiouser and curiouser.

You wondered: Grays Anatomy, If I Lay Here?

Yes. That post may come back to haunt me. It's Snow Patrol, ok? The song is called Chasing Cars.

You asked: Nursing sucks?

Sometimes. Sometimes it sucks. It sucks being awake at night when sane people are tucked up in bed. It sucks scraping vomit off your shoulder, vomit that doesn't belong to you and has no business being in contact with your person. It sucks watching people die. It sucks getting paid less than you'd get mowing lawns for a living (in this country, at least.)

But we do it anyway. Because it rocks. So there you have it: nursing sucks some of the time, but mostly it rocks. QED.

You asked: brining a turkey in whiskey?

Two thoughts occur. One is that I really shouldn't do this exercise so close to Thanksgiving. The other is that I'm coming to your place for dinner!
Posted by PaedsRN at 5:56 PM

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